Understanding Consignments

Viewing Consignments in the Admin Portal

The Consignment interface provides a view of all the relevant information for a freight request.

Consignments are created in the Hitrak TMS in a number of ways. Customers can:

  • Use an API to export consignment data from their system into Hitrak
  • Create consignments manually using the Hitrak Freightmaster App 
  • Provide a file with their consignment data to be uploaded in the Admin Portal

In this article:

Consignment Statuses

Consignment settings and Freight details

History and other details

Consignment Notes and Freight Labels

Viewing a Consignment

Admin Portal users will need to view or edit existing customer consignments for a number of reasons. All the information related to a consignment is either visible in the consignment details section in the top half of the consignment page, or organised into tabs in the bottom half of the page.

Consignment Statuses

Consignment status definitions:

Draft A work in progress, may still require more details.


Ready Validated and ready to be staged, but pickup has not yet been requested. 


Staged  Ready for pickup.


Picked up Picked up by a delivery driver.


In Transit In transit, e.g. between dispatch regions.


Checked in Checked into a delivery hub. 


Delivering Out for Delivery.


Delivered Delivered to the Receiver.


Cancelled Cancelled by the customer or an Admin user. 


Error Set as error. 


Consignment settings and Freight details

The details section in the top half of the page provides a view of:

  • Consignment Status, Customer and Reference number
  • Movements on a Driver Run
  • Charge (Invoice) Account
  • Requested and Confirmed Delivery Dates
  • Sender and Receiver details
  • Freight information
  • Service type (e.g., B2B, B2C), Sales Reference, Sender and Receiver Notes

On the bottom half of the page, the Freight Tab is selected by default on opening any consignment. This shows the number of pieces, freight types, descriptions, weights and volumes for the freight in the consignment. 

Consignment Details 1-1

History and other details

The remaining details relevant to the consignment are organised into the other tabs in the bottom half of the page:

Timeline: An overview of the consignment's events, with their dates, times, users and channels. These include:

  • When and how the consignment was created (e.g. Freightmaster user, API)
  • Status changes
  • Movements (The consignment being added to/removed from a Run, collected, checked in, delivered)
  • Automated Endorsements for changes to sender/receiver notes, sender/receiver references, delivery dates or run activities.
  • Invoicing activity 
  • CSAT survey events

By default, all event types are displayed, but the timeline can be filtered by specific event types as needed.



Endorsements: Endorsements are created automatically for events such as a consignment being added or removed from a delivery run, edits to date changes or sender/receiver notes. These can also be added manually by Driver App or Admin Portal users. 

Attachments: Contains Freight photos, POD documents, any other relevant files.

Communications: SMS Communications between Admin or Driver App users and the Receiver.

Extras: Extra Services included or available on request for the consignment.

Pricing and Rating: Pricing model, Charge Type, Pricing Notes, Price breakdown (when the consignment has been delivered).

Additional: Created time and last update time, Tracking Link, Requesting Site, and any Linked consignments.



Actions button

The Actions button provides access to download consignment notes and freight labels.

Consignment Notes may be used as a packing slip for a consignment. These include:

  • Hitrak Consignment reference, Requested delivery date, Service Type and Invoice Account code
  • Sender and Receiver details
  • Sender and Receiver notes
  • Freight details
  • Legal declaration

Consignments generate a Freight Label for each line of freight. Freight labels include:

  • Hitrak Consignment reference & Service Type
  • Receiver name, address and phone number
  • The piece of freight in relation to the total pieces in the consignment, e.g. 1 of 5, 2 of 5
  • Sender and Receiver references
  • A QR code for Driver App users to quickly access the consignment details. 
  • Freight item type(s) and description(s)

Note 🔎 Consignment Notes and Freight Labels are only available on consignments with a status of Ready or later. If the consignment is in Draft, the Actions menu will show Loading Consignment documents...


Other actions available from the Actions dropdown are covered in Editing Consignments.