Using Events in the Driver App
Various events may occur during a Run which could impact one or more consignments, or the entire Run. Consignment and Run events enable the effective recording of these issues while working on a Run.
This article is a guide for drivers and warehouse teams on using Events in the Driver app.
In this article:
There are three types of Event available in Hitrak: Consignment Notes, Consignment Exceptions and Run Notes. While each Event type serves a different purpose, there are overlaps between some Run and Consignment events.
Each Event type has a list of Event Titles to choose from, a Description text field to add further details, and an Attachments function for uploading photos.
Consignment Event Titles are visible to customers who use the Freightmaster portal, but Descriptions and Attachments are not. Run notes are not visible to customers at all.
Consignment Events
There are two types of Consignment event:
Consignment Exceptions are events which prevent a consignment task from being completed. These events must be resolved before any consignment tasks can be completed.
Consignment Notes are events which impact a consignment, and may require attention or further action, but do not prevent completion of a consignment task.
Unresolved events are represented by colourful icons on task pages and in the task list. Resolved events use grey versions of the same icons, and are only visible in the relevant consignment's Additional tab:
Run Notes
Run Notes are used to record:
-> Events which are relevant to multiple (or all) consignments on the Run.
-> Events which may be related to one or more specific consignments, but it is unclear which consignments are impacted.
All Run Notes (resolved and unresolved) can be viewed in the Run Notes tab.
Using Consignment Events
This section details how to create and resolve Consignment Notes and Exceptions.
In this section:
Hitrak provides an extensive list of Consignment Notes and Exceptions. A few commonly used examples for each Event type are provided in the tables below.
Damaged packaging |
The freight's packaging is torn or otherwise damaged in transit, but there is no damage to the freight. The Receiver will accept the delivery, but a Note and supporting photos are added, to confirm that only the packaging is damaged. |
Shortlanded |
Discrepancy between expected and actual freight quanitities, available on collection, e.g. 2 cartons instead of 3. The delivery task is completed, but a Note is recorded for a dispatcher to follow up on the missing freight. |
Heavy traffic |
Unexpected traffic causes a delay in completing the Collection or Delivery task. A Note is added to enable dispatchers and customers to see why the deliveries are delayed. |
Freight unavailable | The freight is not ready for pickup on arrival at the Sender, so the collection cannot be completed. |
Attempted Delivery | The delivery site is closed or accessible, so the delivery cannot be completed. The consignment must be delivered later in the run, or redirected. |
Damaged Freight | A driver accidentally drops a box while unloading the vehicle, causing damage to the freight inside. The freight cannot be delivered and must be redirected to the depot. |
💡Event Titles can be customised if required. If there is a common event not covered by the provided options, please discuss with your Hitrak system administrator, who can get in touch with our team to make the changes.
Recording a Consignment Event
Events can be added from the consignment page or bulk task page.
To add a Consignment Note or Exception:
- Open the consignment, or select using the checkboxes in the bulk task. Events can be added to multiple consignments in a bulk task if required.
- Tap the
button, and choose an Event type (Note or Exception)
- Select the Event title, and add details of the event in the Description text box.
- Optionally, add photos relevant to the event. Tap Take Photo to capture images directly in the app, or Add Files to upload from the device gallery.
- To save the event as Unresolved, leave the Further action required box checked.
- To save it as Resolved, uncheck the box and add details in the Resolution field.
- Tap Save when finished.
The event will be available to view in the Additional tab of the consignment(s), and represented with an icon in the consignment and task details views until it has been resolved.
Resolving a Consignment Event
Any events on a consignment can be viewed and resolved from the consignment page Additional tab.
To resolve a Consignment Note or Exception:- Tap the event Resolve button on the Note or Exception.
- Enter a description of the resolution into the Resolution text field.
- Tap Confirm to save.
- Resolved events remain in the Additional tab, represented by grey icons.
ℹ️ Consignment tasks cannot be completed if there is an unresolved Exception, but can be if there is an unresolved Note.
Events may need to be resolved later by an Admin portal user. Runs can still be completed if there are unresolved consignment events.
Using Run Notes
This section details how to create and resolve Run Notes in the Driver app.
In this section:
The following Run note Types are available, to cover common event scenarios.
Loading |
The loading of a unit at the sending depot. This may include photos of the freight's condition, and/or observations from the warehouse team responsible for loading. |
Unloading |
The unloading of a unit at a depot. This may include photos of the freight, as evidence that no damage or other issue was noted by the warehouse team. |
Overlanded Freight |
Excessive freight which cannot be linked to a consignment. |
Damaged Freight | Damage to freight which impacts multiple consignments. |
Other | Any event not covered by the above, e.g. a vehicle incident that occurs while a run is in progress. |
Recording a Run Note
Run Notes can be recorded on any of the main tabs in an open Run.
To add a Run Note:
- Tap the
button on the Next, All, Map or Run Notes tab.
- Tap Run Note.
- Choose the relevant Note Type and add details in the Description text box.
- Optionally, add relevant photos. Tap Take Photo to capture images directly in the app, or Add Files to upload from the device gallery.
- To save the event as Unresolved, leave the Further action required box checked.
- To save it as Resolved, uncheck the box and add details in the Resolution field.
- Tap Save when finished.
Resolving a Run Note
Run notes can be viewed and resolved in the Run Notes tab.
To resolve a Run Note:
- Tap the Resolve button on the Note.
- Enter a description of the resolution into the Resolution text field.
- Tap Confirm to save.