Managing Driver Runs

Understanding and Editing Runs in the Admin Portal

Hitrak Driver Runs define the Driver, Vehicle, Date, and Start & End locations for a run's associated tasks. Constraints can be applied for a desired maximum weight, volume and/or number of consignments allocated to the run.

In this article:

Viewing a Run

Run Status definitions

Document Downloads

Consignment Actions 

Editing Run Settings and Status

Managing Routes

Closing a Run

Cancelling a Run


For information on creating new Runs, see Creating Driver Runs and Allocating Consignments.


Viewing a Run

Driver Runs can be accessed via the Delivery section in the sidebar menu.

  • Navigate to Delivery>Delivery Runs.
  • Select a date or date range for the search.
  • If the run reference is known, enter this into the Run # field. Alternatively, search and filter by Dispatch Group (if applicable), Run Status, assigned Drivers or Vehicles.
  • Click Search.
  • Search results are available at the bottom of the page, showing a snapshot of the Runs' key information, including the date, name, completed consignments/total consignments, the driver, vehicle and status.
  • Results can be further refined as needed using the filters. 

Run Page Overview

The Run page provides all the details for a run, with the key information displayed in a static section at the top of the page. This includes: 

The Run settings (Name, Date, Driver etc.)
The actual weight and volume of consignments on the Run
Number of stops
Estimated time and distance

Below this section are 3 tabs:

Consignments displays a list of the Run's consignments, with a snapshot of their details and their status. Any Exceptions, Notes or tags on consignments on the Run will also be visible in this list. The Consignments tab can be ordered by Collection or Delivery tasks. Users can view any consignment's full details by clicking its reference in the list.

Route provides a list view and map view of tasks in their planned order.

Consignment Collections, Deliveries and Check-Ins at the same location are grouped together automatically as bulk tasks on this page, and can be actioned in bulk via the Driver App. Timestamps for completed tasks are shown in the Completion column.

As per the Consignments view, Users can view a consignment's full details by clicking its reference in the Route tab list view.

Status History provides a simple timeline of status changes to the Run.

Run Statuses

A status is provided for each stage of a Run's journey, from creation to completion. Certain statuses mean that a Run will not be visible to assigned Driver App users. 

See below for details on each status and their visibility in the Driver App.


Description Visible in Driver App?


A work in progress, may still require more details.  No
Activated Ready for assigned driver(s) to start, but not yet started. Yes
En Route In progress. The driver has started their run.  Yes
Completed A driver has finished the run. All assigned tasks should be completed, or have an Exception recorded. Yes

Confirmed as completed by a dispatcher. Any Exceptions or Notes should have been addressed, and outstanding tasks removed or reallocated. 



Cancelled. All tasks removed from the run.  No

Document Downloads

If required, users can generate pdf documents for any Run via the Actions menu.

A Run Picklist provides a list of each freight line, its consignment reference, customer, destination suburb, and total volume and weight, grouped by pickup location. This can be used to double-check the freight as each Collection task is completed.

  • Select Actions>Download Picklist. 
  • Print for drivers or warehouse team members as required.



A Run Manifest provides a schedule of all the consignments on a Run, including any associated Extras and Notes. Consignments are listed in order of completion (based on the Run route as at the time of the Manifest download). 

  • Select Actions>Download Manifest.
  • Print for team members or customers as needed.

Consignment Actions

In the Consignments tab, actions can be performed on inidividual or multiple consignments at once, using the checkboxes and options above the consignments list. 

Consignments can be removed from a Run, reallocated to another Run, or redirected to a Delivery Hub.

The More Actions button allows for actions such as : 

Recording a Note or Exception

Setting a Confirmed Delivery Date 

Marking consignments as Collected or Delivered

Messaging Receivers in bulk, e.g. to let them know their consignment is out for delivery that day.

Actions Menu Changes

Alongside document downloads, the Run page Actions menu allows for edits to a Run's settings and status.


The Edit button opens the Run Settings page, where the Run's Name, assigned Drivers, Vehicle and Constraints can all be modified. The Run Type, Template and Schedule fields cannot be modified.

Note 🔎 If a Run was created using a Run Template Schedule, the date field cannot be changed, regardless of the Run's status. The Run will need to be re-created for the correct date. 

Status Changes 

The options below the Edit button allow a Run to be advanced to the next stage, or reverted to the previous one. As with Consignment Movements, the actions available for a Run depend on its current status, as detailed below.


Available Actions



En Route















⚠️If the previous Run a vehicle was assigned to has not yet been closed, the new Run cannot be started. Ensure all consignments on the other Run have been actioned, and the Run is marked Closed, before attempting to start the next one. 

Managing Routes

The Route tab allows for the manual or automatic reordering of tasks in the Run. 

Above the map, a description of the selected Optimisation Type, and distance and time estimates for the remaining tasks on the Run, are displayed. 

Route Optimisation

If all consignments are added to a Run at the same time, the Run route should already be optimised based on the location of the consignments and the order of tasks (e.g., a consignment must have its collection task completed before the delivery task).

If a route needs to be optimised again, the Optimise feature is available. This groups and reorders tasks to ensure the most efficient route is being followed for the Run. This can be useful when more consignments are added to a Run after it has been created.

A dropdown beside the Optimise button allows for:

Manual grouping of tasks in the case of this not being done automatically.

  • Click Group Tasks to group any tasks at the same participant (a site, or custom address entry matching other consignments).

Changes to the vehicle profile and optimisation type for the Run, e.g. whether the distance or the duration is most important for optimisation.

Note 🔎Optimisation Type is only available to those with the Superuser role.

  • Click Optimisation options.
  • Select the Vehicle Profile for the Run
  • Select Shortest Route or Fastest Route to change the Optimisation Type.
  • Optionally, select or deselect the checkboxes to automatically retry using a different optimisation type, and apply service time onsite.
  • Click Optimise to save the changes.

To use the Optimise feature:

  • Click the Optimise button. If a more efficient route is available, tasks will be reordered based on the selected Optimisation type.

⚠️If a route is edited while the Run is already En route, be sure to inform the Driver immediately, as they will need to refresh the Driver App.

Manual Route Changes

If a route needs to be edited manually for some reason, this can be done via the task list to the left of the map. 

  • Drag and drop tasks to the preferred place in the list.
  • Click Save to confirm the changes.

Note ✨Users will be prevented from performing task reordering where an order is not possible, i.e. the Check-In or Delivery task for a consignment cannot be above its Collection task.

Task Required Times

If a task needs to be completed at a certain time, based on a Sender or Receiver's request, this can be set in the Route tab.

  • Click the Clock 🕓 icon to the right of the task to open the Required Time dialog.
  • Select the time, and click Save.

  • Required times can be factored in to the task order on the route. 

⚠️The system will attempt to factor Required Times into Run Optimisation, however, this is complex as estimated delivery times are not guaranteed. Required times may not influence Run Optimisation exactly as expected, so users should verify and reorder consignments on a Run route as they see fit, to ensure any Required times are met.

Closing a Run

When all tasks have been actioned and a run has been marked as Complete by a driver, it can be closed. This final step is in place to allow dispatchers to verify that all tasks have been completed to satisfaction and any Exceptions or Notes have been followed up. 

  • Check the Run to ensure that all tasks have been completed. If any Exceptions exist, action these and remove or reallocate consignments as needed.
  • Click Actions>Close Run.

Cancelling a Run

In the case of a Run being created in error, e.g., scheduled for the wrong date using a Run Template, or it needs to be removed for some other reason, the Run can be cancelled. 

Note 🔎A Run cannot be cancelled when its status is En Route or later. 

If the Run has consignments allocated, and another Run already exists for them, reallocate the consignments first. On the Run page Consignments tab:

  • Select the consignments to be reallocated
  • Click Remove from Run>Reallocate to Existing Run.

  • Select the correct Run from the list, and click Accept.

✨If consignments have not been removed or reallocated, when the Run is cancelled they will be automatically removed and will move back to the Unallocated tab on the Dispatch Board.

  • Click Actions>Cancel Run.
  • A dialog will pop up requesting confirmation. Click Yes to confirm the cancellation.
  • The Run status will update to Cancelled. Cancelled Runs can still be searched and viewed, like any other Run.