Release Notes: September 25th, 2024

Details of the features and bug fixes from this update

This page provides an overview of changes deployed with the Hitrak software update on Wednesday, September 25th, 2024.

This has included significant changes to improve the usability of the consignment Timeline, new Freightmaster functionality, and continued improvements to Driver App offline capability.


In this article:

New Features


Bug Fixes

New ❇️



Pickup manifest

Customers using the Freightmaster Portal can now select consignments to download as a "Pickup manifest" document from the Consignments page.

Data Extracts

All Sites Address & Pricing Setup.

All Sites without Run templates.


Updates ⏫



Driver App
Offline Support

Delivery Extras and Hireage quantities are cached, along with the existing capability of caching photos and POD signature.

Consignment Timeline

The timeline has been redesigned to improve usability when viewing and filtering data.

Change Customer 

The recently added capablity to change a consignment Customer is no longer restricted to Hitrak Support.

Users with the Advanced Admin role now have access to update a consignment's customer prior to invoicing.

Direct Invoicing

An annotation is now added when a Hitrak Direct Invoice email is sent.

Data Extracts

Redundant "Report Header" Section removed from affected extracts.

Hireage details added to Consignment Activity Extract: Qty hired, Qty retrieved, Qty owed.

Consignment Endorsements

Removed unnecessary duplication of pricing Endorsements.

POD documents

Proof of Delivery documents are now re-generated when consignment Hireage quantities are updated after delivery.

Email notifications

Staging notification email can be configured to show sum totals by Customer, instead of listing all staged consignments.

Run Search page preferences

User Dispatch Group and "Items per page" selections are saved for subsequent page visits. 

Site Management

Tooltip in the Run Templates Lookup dialog updated with more accurate wording. 

SMS Template capability

Sender Name and Address details enabled for SMS Templates.

Admin Portal number display

Comma separators added to large numbers where this was not already applied. 

Admin Portal Dashboard

Updated internal data display for donut graphs. 

Admin Portal Consignment Search

Disabled browser auto-fill for Customer dropdown field.

Freightmaster Consignment Search results

Aligned with the Admin Portal, consignment Freight details displayed in Freightmaster are consolidated into one column.

Freightmaster Document downloads

Loading animation added, to provide feedack when bulk download is in progress.

Updated "Export Consignments" file name.

Freightmaster Dashboard widgets

Minor UI change to improve clarity in the Consignments by Exception dialog header. 

Bug Fixes 🛠️




Occasional errors while updating Freight details from product catalogue.


User changes to default site settings not immediately reflecting in dropdown.

Driver App

Photos appear to load on wrong consignment.

Driver App

Incorrect Template Messaging flow.

Fleet Tracker

White text for Closed/Completed status in FT impacts readability.

Admin Portal

Dashboard: Mobile and tablet layout issues.
Admin Portal Consignments with uncompleted movements can be cancelled.
Admin Portal Consignments: Hireage quantity sometimes created as 999.
Admin Portal Consignment search: Icon missing for some unresolved Exceptions in results list.
Admin Portal Consignments: Error on saving when user is prompted to select Extra instructions.
Admin Portal Consigment Timeline: Incorrect Invoice timestamp.
Admin Portal Extracts: Timeout issues for some file downloads.
Admin Portal Extracts: Incorrect error message for selected users when downloading certain extracts.
Admin Portal Auto Allocation: Linehaul run templates not available to select from Checked In tab
Admin Portal Run page: Hireage count seems to change each time a run is Optimised
Admin Portal Run Page: Error when clicking "Group Tasks" on Route tab.
Admin Portal Run Templates: Inaccurate error message when attempting to load url with an invalid run template ID.
Admin Portal Organisation Settings: Freight types Edit mode doesn't reflect actual freight types currently assigned to the Organisation.
Admin Portal Organisation Pricing Setup: New configuration settings requires page refresh to show in UI.
Admin Portal Pricing: Incorrect timestamp for updated price after a consignment's Customer is changed.
Admin Portal Pricing: FAF doesn't recalculate when price override is applied to consignments where Hireage Qty = 0
Admin Portal Rating page: Performance impacted when displaying 100 consignments