
Using the Hitrak Dashboard and Reporting Extracts

This article provides an overview of the reporting capabilities currently supported by Hitrak.


In this article:


Data Extracts

Custom Reports 


The homepage Dashboard provides an overview of consignment activity and key performance metrics, displayed in separate chart widgets. 

In this section:





The default date range for the Dashboard is "Last 7 Days". This and other criteria can be changed to adjust the results set, allowing data to be drilled down by Branch, Service type, or even Customer level. The Filters section is collapsed by default. Clicking the Filters button expands the section. 

  • The multi-select From and To filters allow the Dashboard to be refined by sending or receiving Dispatch Groups. E.g., to view only the data for consignments delivered by the Wellington Dispatch Group, select Wellington in the To field: 
  • Select one or more Service Types to view the Dashboard charts with only consignments of that Service type.
  • Choose a Date Range for the chart data, either selecting from one of the provided options, or entering a custom date range. 
  • To narrow down the results by a single Customer, start typing the Organisation name into the Customer field.
  • If required, Customer data can be further refined by Requesting Site(s), using the Requesting Site multi-select field.

ℹ️ The maximum date range for the Dashboard is 3 months. To view a longer date range for a data point, use the Search page.

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Each Dashboard chart provides aggregated data for all consignments matching the applied filters. Many charts have clickable data points, allowing the user to navigate directly to the unsummarised data, on the consignment Search page.

E.g., Clicking Delivered on this chart navigates to the 434 consignments which were created during the Dashboard date range, and currently have the Delivered status.

Average Delivery Time

The average time between all consignments' Staging and Delivery, compared with the previous period. This metric excludes any Non-working days in the Sender and Receiver regions. 


DIFOT On Time/Miss results are broken down by Service Type, with a pie chart for each one. The target delivery date for DIFOT results is calculated by the system, using input from the Operating Days calendar setup. 

  • Click the On Time or Miss % under any of the charts, to view the relevant consignments. 


🔎 For full details on how consignment Delivery time and DIFOT are calculated, see Key Metric Calculations

Consignments Created

All consignments created within the date range, broken down by their current status.

  • Click on any of the status totals to view the relevant consignments.

Unresolved Exceptions

A breakdown of Delivery Exceptions recorded against the consignments, by Exception Title and Resolution status. The Collection and Delivery views in the chart provide insight into how many Exceptions may have been linked to the Collection or Delivery stage of the consignment journey. 

  • Click Resolved Exceptions to view all consignments with a Resolved Exception.
  • Click Unresolved Exceptions to view all consignments with an Unresolved Exception.
  • Click any Exception title to view all consignments with that Exception.
  • Click Collection to view only the Exceptions raised while the consignment status was Draft, Ready or Staged
  • Click Delivery to view only the Exceptions raised while the consignment status was Picked Up or later.


ℹ️ As the Collection and Delivery views in the Exceptions chart are based solely on a consignment's status at the time the Exception was raised, the relation of the Exception to Collection or Delivery is indicative only.


Consignments Delivered

Total consignments delivered for the period, compared with the previous period. E.g., when viewing 7 days of data, the previous 7 days' data is used for comparison.

  • Hover on any day in the current or previous period, to view the total for that day.


Total Revenue generated for the period, compared with the previous period.

  • Hover on any day in the current or previous period, to view the total for that day.


Customer Satisfaction

When CSAT surveys are enabled, this chart shows the overall rating, total reviews, and the total reviews per star rating. 

  • Click any star rating to view the consignments with that rating. 


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Data Extracts

The Extracts page in the Consignments menu provides an extensive list of pre-built reports, to cater to different business functions. All extracts are generated as csv files.  

New reports are frequently added to this page based on customer requirements. This section details the current reports available, as of January 2025.


In this section:

Consignment Reports

Other Reports


ℹ️ A maximum date range applies to all data extracts on this page. This is typically 3 months, but the limit may vary by Hitrak customer. 


Consignment Reports

The Consignment Activity section provides several filtering options for a comprehensive extract of consignment data. The Consignment Activity Extract includes all of the consignment details (Account, Requesting site, Service type, Sender/Receiver details), Freight information, Notes, Hireage (where applicable), Confirmed price (where applicable), and more. 

Report data can be filtered by Customer, Requesting Site, and Date Range before extracting. The Date type for the date range can also be selected, allowing the results to be extracted based on the consignments' Creation date, Requested Delivery date, Confirmed Delivery date, or the actual date they was delivered.


The Reports By Date Range section on this page provides extract options related to consignment, finance and operational data.

Consignment Reports
Consignments by Creation User User details for each consignment created within the date range.
Consignments with no POD Consignments whose last Delivery movement was within the date range, which have no POD file attached.
Consignments by Invoice Consignments currently on an Invoice, with their respective Invoice details.
Unallocated Consignments Staged, Picked Up or In Transit consignments which are not currently allocated to a Run.
Detailed Rating Priced A price breakdown by Freight, Surcharges and Extras, of consignments delivered within the date range which have been priced. Includes Site Groups, Pricing notes and Invoice details where applicable.
Detailed Rating Unpriced Consignments delivered within the date range which have not been priced. Includes Site Groups and Pricing notes where applicable. 


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Other Reports

Inter Region Revenue Revenue from consignments delivered within the date range between geographical regions, with the total Confirmed Price, Quantity, Weight and Volume for each region-region combination. 
Inter Region Revenue Detail Inter Region revenue report with price breakdown by Freight, Extras, FAF and other Surcharges.
Journal Summary of Invoices whose Invoice date is within the date range. Includes GL Account codes, and external Account references where applicable.
Organisation Revenue  Revenue by Customer, for consignments delivered within the date range. Includes a count of Unrated consignments where applicable.
Organisation Revenue Detail Organisation Revenue report with price breakdown by Freight, Extras, FAF and other Surcharges.
Vehicle Revenue  Summary of revenue for each Vehicle that completed a Run during the date range, with a breakdown of consignment quantities and revenue by Collection, Transfer and Delivery for each Run.
Vehicle Revenue excluding FAF Vehicle Revenue report with FAF values excluded from the totals.
Revenue by Run Revenue for each Driver run within the date range, with a price breakdown by Freight, Extras, FAF, and other Surcharges. Includes total consignments, stops, items, volume and weight for each Run. 


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Delivery Events Detail of all Consignment Notes and Exceptions raised within the date range.
Vehicle Utilisation Total items, volume and weight for each vehicle used within the date range, by day.
Hireage Detail Hireage totals by consignment, for consignments delivered within the date range.
Hireage Summary by Sender Hireage totals for each Sender, by Organisation, for consignments delivered within the date range.
Hireage Summary by Receiver Hireage totals for each Receiver, by Organisation, for consignments delivered within the date range.



All Organisations All current Organisations' Service Types and Account details.
Site address and Pricing details Active Sites with their current Pricing setup details.
Sites with no Run templates Sites which currently have no linked Run template of any kind.


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Custom Reports

The consignment Search page provides an Extract function to download on-screen results, enabling users to create a custom report based on their specific chosen filters.

This supports various use cases for specific ad hoc reporting, such as facilitating Rate card discussions, gaining insights on volume by Sender or Receiver, drilling into Customer data to support claim or complaint investigations, and many more.

The date range limit applicable to the Dashboard and Extracts pages does not apply to the Search page, enabling a wider timeframe to be applied for any custom report. 


To create a custom extract:

  • Select criteria for the search, using the appropriate filters in the Advanced Search, by Sender/Receiver or Reference tab. 
  • Click Extract to download a csv file with the results. 

This can also be used to download Dashboard chart data. See the Extract function in action in the below video.




💡 Although the Search page does not have the same date range limitation as other reports, some practical limits to the number of extractable results may apply. 


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💡To share ideas for a new report, or request a one-off data extract, get in touch with our team via the Helpdesk.