
Managing your Customers in the Admin Portal

Customers are managed in Hitrak using the Organisations function in the Admin Portal Administration menu. This article provides a guide to Admin Portal users responsible for setting up customers in Hitrak.

Pricing Setup is covered separately in our Pricing & Finance functions section.

In this article:

Creating an Organisation 




Service Type Settings

Extras & Surcharges

Importing a Product list

Viewing and Editing an Organisation

Creating an Organisation

As part of your Hitrak setup, your own Organisation must be created. This is identified as the main Organisation for your system, where your internal users are configured. For a detailed guide on setting up users, see Managing Users.

An Organisation must also be created for each customer. A customer must have their Organisation, Accounts, Sites and other key information configured before any consignments can be created in Hitrak.

To set up a new customer:

  • In the sidebar menu, select Administration.
  • Click Organisations.
  • Click Create New.

General Settings 

This is the first section to complete when creating a new customer Organisation. 

  • Enter the Organisation Name. This is generally the customer's business name.
  • Enter an Organisation Code. This must be a unique code in your Hitrak account, and is usually a shorthand for the customer's business name. 
  • Select the customer's Time zone from the dropdown list, if different to New Zealand time.
  • Select the Service Type options for the customer's consignments from the dropdown list, e.g. B2B, B2C.   

✨ Different settings can be configured based on a consignment's Service Type, such as consignment auto-rating, freight label fields, receiver communications and more. 

  • Define the Freight Types for the customer's consignments:
    • Click Freight Types.
    • Use the checkboxes to select all applicable freight item options.
    • Optionally, add the default weights and volumes for each freight type. This is useful for organisations with consistent freight, as it saves Admin Portal and Freightmaster users time when creating consignments.

Optional fields

  • Enter a Consumer Display Name. This is the name SMS/Email recipients will see if you make use of our Messaging service to contact receivers about their delivery. 
  • Enter a Custom Consignment Prefix to identify the customer's consignments, based on your business preference of the customer's. 
  • If consignments will be created via API, the customer's own reference numbers can be used in Hitrak. Check the Allow customer consignment references checkbox, and enter the prefix for their consignment references in the text box.


Before any Sites can be added to an Organisation, it must have an Account set up. Accounts are used during the Invoicing process to charge the customer for their consignments. Depending on how the customer prefers to be invoiced, an Organisation could have one Account or many. For example, they may separate their Accounts by consignment Service Types, or the Regions they operate in. 

To create an Account:

  • In the customer Organisation, click Accounts>New Account.
  • Enter a Description and a unique Account Code.
  • If the Account should not be used for Invoicing, untick the To be included in Invoices checkbox.
  • Enter an Email recipient for any Invoices. Click your keyboard Enter key to save. 
  • Optionally, enter an Address for the Account. 
  • Click Create to complete the Account setup.
  • Now you can start creating Sites.

Note 🔎Email is a required field for any customers using Hitrak Direct Invoicing.


A Site is any location associated with a customer's business, mostly used to define the locations regularly sending or receiving their freight.

Each Organisation must have at least one Site configured. 

To create a Site:

  • In the customer Organisation, click the Sites tab>New Site.
  • If the site is a delivery depot or other location where freight will be checked in, check the Freight Hub Facility checkbox. 
  • If the Site will be used by multiple Organisations, check the Common Site checkbox (available in your main Organisation only. More information here).
  • Enter the Site Name and a unique Site Code.
  • Use the Address Lookup function, or manually enter the Site Address. 
  • Select the Site Region.
  • Select the Default Account for invoices related to the Site. 
  • Complete the optional fields as required - Site Contact Email/Phone Number, Additional Notes, and links to Run Templates.
  • Click Create to complete the Site setup. 

For more information on Sites, see Managing Sites.


For customers who choose to utilise the Freightmaster Customer Portal, their users must be configured within the customer Organisation.

To create a Freightmaster user:

  • Search the customer Organisation, and select it from the list.
  • Click Create User.
  • Select For Freightmaster.
  • Enter the user's Email address. This will be their login username.
  • Click the 🔑 icon to generate a login password.
  • Enter their Name and Phone number.
  • All Freightmaster users will have the Dispatch Viewer role applied by default. Add other roles as needed, using the checkboxes.
  • Select the Sites they need access to. This determines the sites the user can access when logged in to Freightmaster.
  • Select the user's default Origin (Sender) Site and Requesting Site
  • Click Create to save the new user. They will receive a welcome email with a link to Freightmaster, along with their login details.


💡For full details on the roles available for Freightmaster users and what they mean, see Freightmaster User Roles.

Settings tab

During initial system setup, the Hitrak team will work with you to apply default settings for your Service Types. These include settings related to system integrations, Delivery Date requirements, Customer Satisfaction surveys, Proof of Delivery requirements and automatic Rating (price confirmation). 

Your chosen defaults will apply to every Organisation on setup. These are available to view and edit in the Organisation's Settings page. 

To change a setting from the system default:

  • Scroll to find the setting to be changed.
  • Click the setting to open the Service Type Setting Edit dialog.
  • For each Service Type, deselect the Use system default value checkbox as required.
  • Select a True or False value for the field.
  • Click Save to confirm.

Delivery Extras

Extra services your business offers can be created in Hitrak as Delivery Extras, so that they can be added to customer consignments and charged as separate line items to freight and fees. 

When creating a new Organisation, the Delivery Extras available to the customer must be assigned.

Assigning Delivery Extras 

To assign Delivery Extras to an Organisation:

  • Navigate to the Organisation's Delivery Extras page.
  • Click Assign Delivery Extra.
  • Select the Service Type to which the Extra applies.
  • Choose the Delivery Extra from the list of configured Extras.

  • Choose whether the Extra should be Included, On Request, Not Included or Not Available by default.

  • Rates for assigned Delivery Extras can be adjusted for a customer if required. You may choose to do this as part of the Organisation Setup or Pricing Setup. For instructions on updating Extras pricing for an Organisation, see Custom Delivery Extras Pricing.

For full details on managing Delivery Extras, see Delivery Extras.


Hitrak's Surcharges function can be used for any fees to be applied to customer invoices on top of their freight charges, e.g., Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF).

Surcharges are system-wide, so cannot be assigned to or removed from an Organisation, but their Rates can be adjusted by customer as required. For details on creating and customising Surcharge Rates for Organisations, see Custom Surcharge pricing.

For full details on managing Surcharges, see Surcharges.


Hitrak supports adding a product list csv file containing a customer's SKU information to their Organisation. This enables customers to search and select products from a list of pre-defined items, saving time when they are creating consignments in Freightmaster.

All uploaded products must include a unique Item code, Description, Freight Item Type, Weight and Volume. Optionally, the product's dimensions and Item count (e.g. if a product is made up of 4 cartons) can also be included. 

The Hitrak team will provide a template for your customer product uploads. When a customer has completed their product catalogue file, it can be uploaded to their Organisation.

To upload a Product file:

  • Navigate to the Products page. 
  • Click Browse, and select the file from its location on your device.
  • Click Load & Validate to check for any errors. 
  • If any errors are identified with the file, these must be rectified before it can be uploaded. E.g., the file contains an invalid Item Type for the Organisation, or a missing value in one of the required fields. The system will provide details on the row containing the error, and the nature of the error, so it can be corrected:
  • When the file has been validated and there are no errors, a Product Preview will be available. Click Upload to confirm the products.
  • The customer's products will now be available to search and select during manual consignment creation.

Viewing and Editing an Organisation

To view and make changes to an existing customer organisation:

  • Select Administration, then Organisations.
  • Search part of the Organisation Name or Organisation Code, and select the customer from the list.
  • Click Edit in the top section to modify the general settings, such as freight types and service types. 

Note 🔎Certain fields cannot be edited once an Organisation is created. The Organisation Code, Time zone and Custom Consignment fields are greyed out in Edit mode. 

  • When finished editing, click Save Changes.
  • To edit other data, such as the Organisation's Sites, Accounts, Users and pricing, use the tabs in the bottom section.