Understanding User Roles

Choosing the right roles for your Hitrak users

Hitrak provides permission-based roles to help manage user access in the Admin Portal, Driver App and Freightmaster. This allows for appropriate controls to be put in place on the data and functions available to users in each app.

Users may need more than one assigned role, depending on their area(s) of responsibility. This article provides guidance on role application for those creating the internal (employee) and external (customer) users for your business.

Note 🔎Only users with the Organisation Admin role can create and edit users. Only users with the Advanced Admin role can create Admin users. 


In this article:

Admin Portal User Roles 

Driver App User Roles

Freightmaster (Customer Portal) User Roles

Admin Portal 

User Roles Overview

Summary and example use cases of the Admin portal user roles available: 


The default role for all Admin portal users, which allows access to essential consignment and run management functions. This role is typically used for Dispatch or Customer Service team members.

Advanced Admin

For those who require access to more advanced settings, e.g. Department Managers or Administrators. 

Organisation Admin

Allows for organisation setup and management of its users. This is required for anyone setting up customer organisations or editing their details in Hitrak. 

Pricing Admin

Access to Pricing setup and Rating. This role is required for anyone who configures pricing for customers.  

Finance Admin

Access to Invoicing functions. This role is typically used for Finance team members.

Permission details

Use the below table as a reference for full details of Admin permissions, and the role required for each.

Category Permission Role required
App Access
Admin Portal Admin
Driver App*
Fleet Tracker
Organisations, Users & Assets 
Create and Edit Vehicles  Admin

Create and Edit Organisations 

Organisation Admin
Create and Edit Sites & Accounts
Create & Edit Users 
Create and Edit Drivers
Edit Organisation Service Type Settings Advanced Admin
Create and Edit Admin Users
Create and Edit Consignments Admin
Bulk Edit Consignment Status
Bulk Deliver Consignments
Create and View Endorsements
View and Edit Delivery Notes & Exceptions
View and Send SMS
View, Add and Remove Consignment Tags 
Print Notes & Labels
  Edit Consignments after Delivery Advanced Admin
Optimise Run Routes Admin
Create and Edit Run Templates Advanced Admin
Create and Edit Dispatch Groups
Pricing & Finance
View Pricing Information Admin

Manage Pricing  Setup

Pricing Admin
Rate Consignments
Edit Invoices Finance Admin

Create and Edit the available consignment Tags 

Advanced Admin


*For full Driver App access to view and edit Runs, users also need to have the Driver role assigned.

**To view Freightmaster from a customer's perspective, a user must be created and assigned the appropriate Freightmaster roles within that customer's organisation, with different credentials to their Admin portal login. 

Driver App 

User Roles Overview

Driver App user roles are less complex, with only two roles available. The standard Driver role is applied to all users who need to access the Driver App, and is sufficient for most drivers delivering freight for your business.

The Storeman role provides some additional permissions which allow oversight of all Runs, filtered by depot. This is typically used for warehouse team members who require viewing and editing capabilities for all movements to and from depots. 

Permission details

Use the below table as a reference for full details of Driver App permissions. The Storeman role is required for users who need to view all Runs and complete their consignment tasks.  

Category Permission Role required

View Consignment Details  Driver
Collect, Check in and Deliver Consignments on assigned Runs.
Upload POD and other files.
View, Create and Edit Delivery Notes & Exceptions
View, Create and Edit Endorsements
Communicate with Receivers via the Messages tab
Remove or redirect consignments from an assigned Run.
Route management: Optimise Run and Reorder Tasks Driver
View, Start and Complete assigned Runs
View, Start and Complete all Runs Storeman


Freightmaster (Customer Portal)

Work with your customers to determine which users should have access to the Freightmaster functions for their business.

User Roles Overview

Summary and example use cases for the Freightmaster user roles available: 

Dispatch Viewer

The default Freightmaster role. Limited to viewing consignment data and editing of some basic details.


Required for anyone creating and editing consignments for a customer's business. This role is generally assigned to Sales, Customer Service or Administration team members from a customer's business.

Dispatch Finance

Enables the user to view consignment pricing information. This role could be used for a Store manager or Finance team member. 

Dispatch Quoting

Allows users to request a quote before creating a consignment. This is often utilised for retail customers who want to provide a freight cost estimate up front to receivers.


💡If you'd prefer not to provide quotes and/or display pricing information to customers in Freightmaster, just disable the Dispatch Quoting and/or Dispatch Finance roles for all users.

Permission details

Use the below table as a reference for full details of Freightmaster permissions, and the role required for each.

Category Permission

Role required

Dashboard View a breakdown of current Consignment Statuses, Exceptions and Deliveries. Dispatch Viewer
View Consignment Details Dispatch Viewer
Download bulk extract of Consignment details
Edit Receiver details, Note and Sales Reference fields for existing Consignments
Download Notes & Labels
View Delivery Exceptions 
Bulk Status Changes via Consignments page
Create new Consignments Dispatcher
Fully Edit Consignments 
Request a Consignment Quote Dispatch Quoting
View Pricing data in Consignment pages and Dashboard Dispatch Finance


💡For instructions on creating users for your Hitrak Organisations, see User Management.